What is an ultrasound?

When there is something wrong with your abdomen and the doctor wants to know why, you may have to have an ultrasound. Difficult word, isn't it, ultrasound? What this examination involves, is explained below. Want to check it out?

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First you have to register at the administration desk at the radiology service.

Then you have to wait in the waiting room until it is your turn.

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When it is your turn, you enter a room where there is a bedside table and a computer table.

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The nurse will ask you to lie down on the table and uncover your tummy.

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The doctor will put some gel on your tummy. Brrr, that's a bit cold! But luckily it doesn't hurt.

Now the doctor takes a strange marker and rubs it through the gel. It is as if they are writing on your tummy with a marker. It tickles a little, but doesn't hurt either. One of your parents or your play assistant will stay with you during the examination.

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Here you can see the pen from a little closer. On the screen, the doctor sees the inside of your tummy: your stomach, intestines, kidneys... and much more! If you want, you can have a look too.

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If you lie nice and still, the examination will be over soon and you can rub the gel off your tummy.

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And if you've done really well, you even get to choose a present!
Then you can leave, go home or go to your room.



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