
RSV immunisation

The respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) causes an epidemic of respiratory infections every winter. Adults and children can both get infected, but the virus is more dangerous for infants.

Possible risks for young children

  • Breathing problems: with wheezing and shortness of breath. Hospitalisation is sometimes needed for extra oxygen and medication.
  • Reduced appetite: babies with RSV may have less appetite. This can lead to weight loss and dehydration, necessitating hospital admission.
  • Hospitalisation: in severe cases, hospitalisation is required to provide the baby with the appropriate care and treatment.
  • Increased risk for premature babies: premature babies and those with underlying health issues have a higher risk of severe complications from RSV.

How can you protect your child?

For the upcoming winter, an effective medication (Beyfortus) is available. These are antibodies against the virus that provide protection for 5 to 6 months and reduce the risk of hospitalisation due to an RSV infection. Possible side effects include a rash, mild fever and pain at the injection site.

Important: this is not a vaccine, but an injection with specific antibodies against RSV.

Which children can get the injection?

  • Children born between 1 April and 30 September 2024
  • Children with a valid Belgian national register number
  • Children whose mother did not receive the RSV vaccine Abrysvo™ during pregnancy

When can you come for the injection?

1. The medication should be administered in early October. The paediatricians at Jan Yperman Hospital and GPs are organising ‘injection sessions’ at the GP surgery (Briekestraat 10). You need to make an appointment. You do not need to pick up the medication from your own pharmacy; it will be available through the hospital pharmacy. Your child will be weighed first, so bring a blanket or muslin cloth with you.

  • Tuesday 15 October 9-12 a.m.
  • Wednesday 16 October 9-12 a.m.
  • Wednesday 16 October 2-6 p.m.
  • Thursday 17 October 9-12 a.m.
  • Thursday 17 October 2-6 p.m.

Important: the appointment is brief and solely for administering the antibody injection (in the muscle). There is no time for other medical questions.

2. You can also have the injection administered by your own GP:

  • Contact your GP to arrange the prescription and necessary reimbursement form
  • Pick up the medication (Beyfortus) from your pharmacy
  • Make an appointment with your GP to administer the injection

Important: store Beyfortus in the refrigerator (2°C - 8°C), not in the freezer. Do not shake or expose to heat. Keep the pre-filled syringe in its outer packaging to protect it from light. Beyfortus can be stored at room temperature (20°C - 25°C) for a maximum of 8 hours, provided it is protected from light. After this time, the syringe must be discarded.

Where are the injection sessions taking place?

You will visit the GP surgery on Briekestraat. This is by the entry to the main hospital entrance.

How much does the injection cost?

You pay €12*. For families with increased allowance, the price is €8.

*The government is temporarily reimbursing this medication. Without reimbursement, it costs approximately €700.

How to make an appointment?

Make sure you have your child’s Belgian national register number handy (found on the Kids-ID or a sticker from the health insurance fund).

  • Preferably online by clicking the button below.

Important: book in your child's name, not in the parents' name.

  • By phone via the Jan Yperman Hospital appointment line on 057 35 74 50. This service is available every weekday from 08:30 to 17:45.

Last modified on 23 September 2024


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