
Jawbone deficit

An attractive and sustainable building can only be realised through sophisticated and well thought out planning. After all, a house is only as strong as its foundations. Nothing could be further from the truth when it comes to implant work. When imaging shows that there is insufficient bone to immediately place one or more implants in the upper or lower jaw, this can be remedied by various techniques.

Why is there insufficient bone?

When a tooth is removed, the bone at this extraction site will slowly shrink. This is a perfectly normal and natural process. After all, when the bone no longer supports a tooth, it loses its functionality and will start to resorb. This makes the jaw narrower but also lower.

For this reason, when drawing up a treatment plan, it will first be checked whether there is still sufficient bone present to place an implant. This is usually done using a three-dimensional scan.​

Last modified on 6 July 2022


The doctor will discuss the treatment options with you in detail.


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