What is a lung function test?
We use a lung function test to check how your child’s airways are working. The test examines:
- the volume of air that your child can breathe in and out
- the resistance in the airways
- the extent to which irritants narrow the airways, and which medicines can remedy this
How does your child prepare for a lung function test?
Note: your child should not take any medicines that open up the airways before the test. Always check this with your doctor.
How is the lung function test carried out?
During the test, you child breathes through a rubber mouthpiece (like a snorkel) with a little peg on the nose in the lung function device.
- Your child is asked to do a few breathing exercises, such as strong inhaling and exhaling.
- Sometimes the test is repeated after a bronchodilator medicine (Ventolin) is administered to widen the airways, to check what effect this medication has.