The operation is performed through 2 small openings of 5 to 10 mm. A camera is inserted through one opening and a working device through the other. Meniscus tears can be trimmed or stitched.
Meniscal trimming involves removing the section of the meniscus that is torn until a good, stable edge is obtained. Since the meniscus has an important shock absorbing function, the aim is to leave as much meniscus tissue as possible. This means that new cracks may appear in the piece that remains.
After trimming the meniscus, you can stand on the leg immediately. Crutches can be used for 2-3 days to allow the knee to rest. Physiotherapy is useful and should be started about three days after the operation. Painkillers and anti-inflammatories are useful in the initial stages to control the pain.
After about a week, you can do most things again, such as driving, desk work and light housework. Heavier work is possible after about 3 weeks. Squatting and kneeling are the most taxing activities. It takes 6 to 8 weeks before this is possible again.
For more information, please contact your treating physician.
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