Brouckaert O. Disease free survival according to the joint steroid- and HER-2 receptor status in breast cancer. Presentation (oral) at ESGO symposium, Berlin, 10/2007
Pintens S, Vanden Bempt I, Drijkoningen M, Van Belle V, Brouckaert O, et al. HER-1 overexpression is found only in oestrogen receptor negative breast cancer and is rarely associated with HER-1 gene amplification. San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (poster), 12/2007.
Pintens S, Vanden Bempt I, Drijkoningen M, Van Belle V, Brouckaert O, et al. uPAR gene amplification in breast cancer tissue: a rare event. San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (poster), 12/2007.
Van Belle V, Decock J, Hendrickx W, Brouckaert O, et al. Short term prognostic index for breast cancer: NPI or Lpi. San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (poster), 12/2007.
Brouckaert O, Pintens S, Van Belle V, et al. Stratifying primary operable breast cancers by steroid and HER-2 expression status predicts short term disease free survival. San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (poster), 12/2007.
Neven P, Brouckaert O, Van Belle V et al. In early-stage breast cancer, the estrogen receptor interacts with correlation between human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 status and age at diagnosis, tumor grade, and lymph node involvement. J Clin Oncol. 2008 Apr; 26(10):1768-9; author reply 1769-71.
Van Belle V, Brouckaert O, Pintens S, et al. Improving NPI for breast cancer prognosis by including PR and HER-2 expression: own data and external validation set.San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (poster), 12/2008.
Brouckaert O, Camerlynck E, Van Belle V, et al. Biology and prognosis by age of primary operable breast cancer. San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (poster), 12/2008.
Brouckaert O, Van Belle V, Berteloot P, et al. Why 28% Of Er-Negative/Pr-Negative Breast Cancer (Bc) Patients Did Not Get Chemotherapy (CT). St. Gallen Breast Cancer Symposium (poster), 03/2009.
Controversies in the perioperative management of breast cancer - Brussel 01/03/2011 (SBS) - voordracht case report 'false positive lymph node involvement in breast cancer'.
Brouckaert O, Brouwers B, Amant F, et al. Age-perspective on breast cancer grade and disease-specific outcome. ESGO, Milan (Poster), 09/2011.
Reynders A, Brouckaert O, Laenen A, et al. Prediction of non-sentinel lymph node involvement in sentinel lymph node positive breast cancer patients. ESGO, Milan (Poster), 09/2011.
Brouckaert O, Laenen A, Reynders A, et al. Breast Cancer Outcome by Combined Immunohistochemical ER/PR/HER2 Receptor Phenotype. San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (poster), 12/2011.
Vanderhaegen J, Wildiers H, Christiaens M-R, Smeets A, Leunen K, Neven P, Vergote I, Vanlimbergen E, Weltens C, Janssen H, Moerman P, Brouckaert O, et al. Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Elderly Patients with Locally Advanced Breast Cancer. San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (poster), 12/2011.
Hatse S, Lambrechts D, Verstuyf M, Smeets A, Brouwers B, Vandorpe T, Brouckaert O, et al. Vitamin D Status in Newly Diagnosed Breast Cancer Patients Inversely Correlates with Tumor Size and Moderately Correlates with Outcome. San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (poster), 12/2011.
Vannevel V, Brouckaert O, Leunen K, et al. Parity Interferes with the Effect of Age at Diagnosis on the Frequency Breast Cancers Are Triple-Negative. San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (poster), 12/2011.
Brouckaert O. et al. Applying the 2011 St Gallen panel of prognostic markers on a large single hospital cohort of consecutively treated primary operable breast cancers. Ann Oncol. 2012 Oct;23(10):2578-84. Epub 2012 Apr 6.
Brouckaert O. et al. Prognostic implications of invasive lobular breast cancer. Accepted at EBCC (poster), Vienna, march 2012.
Brouckaert O. et al. Prognostic value of detection method by breast cancer phenotype. Accepted at IMPAKT (poster), Brussels, april 2012.
Brouckaert Olivier . Prognostische determinanten in screeningsgedetecteerde borstkanker: belang van het primair tumorsubtype. Poster Assistentendag VVOG maart 2012.
Tuyls Sebastiaan, Brouckaert O. et al . Discordantie in oestrogeen, progesteron en HER-2 receptor status tussen primaire borsttumoren en synchrone of metachrone levermetastasen. Poster Assistentendag VVOG maart 2012.
Vanderstichele Adriaan , Brouckaert O. et al. Prognostische determinanten van secundair gemetastaseerd borstcarcinoom: belang van het primair borstkankersubtype. Poster Assistentendag VVOG maart 2012.
Brouckaert O. et al. Prognostic role of palpability in screen detected breast cancer. IMPAKT (poster), Brussels, april 2012.
Brouckaert O. et al. Prognostic value of detection mode in over 1000 consecutively treated grade 2 breast cancers. Accepted at IMPAKT (poster), Brussels, april 2012.
Hatse S, Lambrechts D, Verstuyf A, Smeets A, Brouwers B, Vandorpe T, Brouckaert O, Peuteman G, Laenen A, Verlinden L, Kriebitzsch C, Dieudonné AS, Paridaens R, Neven P, Christiaens MR, Bouillon R, Wildiers H. Vitamin D status at breast cancer diagnosis: correlation with tumor characteristics, disease outcome, and genetic determinants of vitamin D insufficiency. Carcinogenesis. 2012 Jul;33(7):1319-26.
Brouckaert O, Paridaens R, Floris G, Rakha E, Osborne K, Neven P. A critical review why assessment of steroid hormone receptors in breast cancer should be quantitative. Ann Oncol. 2013 Jan;24(1):46-53.
Brouckaert O, Reynders A, Vanderstappen K, Smeets A, Hoeben A, Paridaens R, Christiaens MR, Floris G, Moerman P, Neven P. Sentinel lymph node involvement in ductal carcinoma in-situ of the breast: two different causes. Clin Breast Cancer. 2012 Oct;12(5):378-81.
Brouckaert O, Wildiers H, Floris G, Neven P. Update on triple-negative breast cancer: prognosis and management strategies. Int J Womens Health. 2012;4:511-20.
Lintermans A., Brouckaert O., Neven P. Managing side-effect of oral aromatase inhibitors. Breast Cancer Management. 1 (2):1-9, 2012.
Brouckaert O, Wildiers H, Neven P. Different outcome variables yield different results! Ann Oncol. 2012 Dec 30.
Coelis G., Boudry L., Brouckaert O., Neven P. Contraceptie en kankerrisico (Pentalfa: Update over anticonceptie). Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde. 2012 (68): 24: 1178-1184.
Brouckaert O et al, Prognostic relevance of PR and detection mode in Luminal Her-2 negative breast cancer. San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (poster), 12/2012.
Van Calster B, Brouckaert O et al. Evaluation of Adjuvant! Online for primary operable grade 2 breast cancers with 10-year follow-up. San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (poster), 12/2012.
Vanderhaegen J, Paridaens R, Piccart M, Lalami Y, Machiels J, Fillet G, Borms M, Goeminne J, Mebis J, Dirix L, Lintermans A, Brouckaert O, Neven P. The 2006 Adjuvant Trastuzumab Convention in Belgium: 5 years later. San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (poster), 12/2012.
Brouckaert O et al. Independent prognostic value of age depends on breast cancer subtype. San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (poster), 12/2012.
Vanderstichele A, Brouckaert O et al. Prognostic factors in 345 women with metastatic recurrent breast cancer: role of the primary tumor subtype. San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (poster), 12/2012.
Tuyls S, Brouckaert O et al. Triple receptor comparison between primary breast cancer and metachronous or synchronous liver metastasis. San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (poster), 12/2012.
Vanderstichele A., Brouckaert al (2012). Abstract P2-10-12: How well predict the 2011 St Gallen early breast cancer surrogate phenotypes metastatic survival?:. Cancer Research. 72. P2-10. 10.1158/0008-5472.SABCS12-P2-10-12.
Brouckaert O., Schoneveld A., Truyers C. et al. Breast cancer phenotype, nodal status and palpability may be useful in the detection of overdiagnosed screening-detected breast cancers. Ann Oncol. 2013. Jul;24(7):1847-52.
Brouckaert O., Berteloot P., Baeyens L. et al. De ATLAS-trial: 10 jaar tamoxifen beter dan 5 jaar? Relevantie voor onze dagelijkse praktijk.Gunaikeia. 2013 Mei 6.
Brouckaert Olivier, Wildiers Hans, Floris Giuseppe, Neven Patrick. Tripel negatieve borstkanker: een update. Onco-Hemato, in press.
Brouckaert O., Laenen A, Vanderhaegen J, Wildiers H, Paridaens R, Vergote I, Floris G, Weltens C, Christiaens MR, Neven P. Prognostic effect of tumor size and lymph node status across the 2011 St Gallen breast cancer phenotypes. (Poster) 13th St Gallen Int Breast Cancer Conference 2013
Brouckaert O, Laenen A, Vanderhaegen J, Wildiers H, Paridaens R, Vergote I, Floris G, Weltens C, Christiaens MR, Neven P. Relationship between tumor size and lymp node status by the 2011 defined St Gallen breast cancer phenotype. (Poster) 13th St Gallen Int Breast Cancer Conference 2013
Vanderhaegen J, Paridaens R, Piccart M, Lalami Y, Machiels JP, Jerusalem G, Borms M Goeminne J, Mebis J, Dirix L, De Grève J, Berteloot P, Lintermans A, Brouckaert O, Neven P. The 2006 adjuvant Trastuzumab Convention in Belgium: 5 years later. (Poster) 13th St Gallen Int Breast Cancer Conference 2013
Vanoppen M, Brouckaert O, Lambrechts S, Laenen A, Wildiers H, Paridaens R, Leunen K, Amant F, Berteloot P, Smeets A, Floris G, Christiaens MR, Vergote I, Neven P. Body Mass Index (BMI) and response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NACT) in triple-negative and other breast cancer phenotypes: a finding that requires external validation. (Poster) Triple Negative Breast Cancer Conference 2013 (London)
Van Asten K, Dieudonné A-S, Lintermans A, Blomme C, Brouckaert O, et al. Prospective multicenter study evaluating the effect of impaired tamoxifen metabolization on efficacy in breast cancer patients receiving tamoxifen in the neo-adjuvant or metastatic setting - The CYPTAM-BRUT 2 trial. San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (poster), 12/2013.
Vanoppen M, Brouckaert O, Laenen A, Fontanella C, Wildiers H, Paridaens R, Leunen K, Amant F, Berteloot P, Smeets A, Loibl S, Floris G, Christiaens MR, Vergote I, Neven P. High Body Mass index (BMI) and worse response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NACT) by breast cancer phenotype: Own data and external validation on German Breast Group (GBG) patients. (Poster) 36th San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium Dec 2013
Van Asten K, Jongen L, Dieudonné AS, Lintermans A, Blomme C, Brouckaert O, Lambrechts D, Wildiers H, Christiaens MR, Timmerman D, Van Calster B, Decloedt J, Berteloot P, Verhoeven D, Joerger M, Zaman K, Dezentjé V, Neven P. Prospective multicenter study evaluating the effect of impaired tamoxifen metabolization on efficacy in breast cancer patients receiving tamoxifen in the neo-adjuvant or metastatic setting – The CYPTAM-BRUT 2 trial.(Poster) San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium Dec 2014
Reynders A, Brouckaert O, Smeets A, Laenen A, Yoshihara E, Persyn F, Floris G, Leunen K, Amant F, Soens J, Van Ongeval C, Moerman P, Vergote I, Christiaens MR, Staelens G, Van Eygen K, Vanneste A, Van Dam P, Colpaert C, Neven P. Prediction of non-sentinel lymph node involvement in breast cancer patients with a positive sentinel lymph node.Breast. 2014 Aug;23(4):453-9.
Van Asten K, Van Calster B, Lintermans A, Brouckaert O, Floris G, Wildiers H, Neven P. Prognostic value of the progesterone receptor by proliferation rate in patients with luminal HER2 negative breast cancer. .(Poster) San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium Dec 2014
Luyeye Mvila G, Batalansi D, Praet M, Marchal G, Laenen A, Christiaens MR, Brouckaert O, Ali-Risasi C, Neven P, Van Ongeval C. Prognostic features of breast cancer differ between women in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Belgium. Breast. 2015 Oct;24(5):642-8. doi: 10.1016/j.breast.2015.07.031
Brouckaert O, Van Asten K, Soubry A, Christiaens MR, Vergote I, Wildiers H, Paridaens R, Van Limbergen E, Weltens C, Moerman P, Floris G, Neven P. The association of body mass index with age at breast cancer diagnosis and breast cancer phenotype. (Poster) San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium Dec 2015
Poppe A., Brouckaert O. et al. (2016). Abstract P6-09-11: Independent prognostic value of age depends on breast cancer subtype:. Cancer Research. 76. P6-09. 10.1158/1538-7445.SABCS15-P6-09-11.
Brouckaert O. et al. (2016). Abstract P6-10-06: The impact of body mass index on age at breast cancer diagnosis and breast cancer phenotype:. Cancer Research. 76. P6-10. 10.1158/1538-7445.SABCS15-P6-10-06.
Giuseppe Floris, Annouschka Laenen, Kathleen Van Asten, Tilmann Achsel, Olivier Brouckaert et al. The fragil X mental retardation protein (FMRP) expression is associated with better distant metastasis free survival in a cohort of luminal-B like early breast cancers with follow-up. EBCC 11 Barcelona 2018.