Publicaties dr. T. Verschueren

  • Masterthesis: “Revisie meniscale transplanten: lateraal en mediaal” (Promotoren: Prof. Dr. R. Verdonk en Prof. Dr. F. Almqvist; co-promotor: Prof. Dr. P. Verdonk)
  • Revision of meniscal transplants: long term clinical follow-up: 1e auteur
    Verbruggen D1, Verschueren T1, Tampere T2, Almqvist K, Victor J, Verdonk R, Verdonk P.
    Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy, 2014.
  • Relationship of the Medial Clavicular Head to the Manubrium in Normal and Symptomatic Degenerated Sternoclavicular joints.
    Van Tongel A, Valcke J, Piepers I, Verschueren T4, De Wilde L.
    Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery America, 2014.
  • Screwless scarf osteotomy for hallux valgus: Evaluation of radiological correction. Van Doninck D, Verschueren T, Matricali G, Van Opstal N, Scheys L, Vandeputte G. Foot and ankle surgery, 2016.

Last modified on 9 October 2023

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