
Don’t postpone your urgent care!

A number of interventions and examinations are being postponed during the fight against COVID-19. However, it is important that all urgent care continues; our hospital is and remains a safe place for every patient. Do not postpone your operation, treatment, or examination on your own initiative; always consult your attending physician!

VW2 A3232

Our hospital has seen a large increase in the number of patients admitted with COVID-19 in recent weeks. Currently, 36 patients have been admitted, 4 of whom are in intensive care. This has important consequences for our organisation and operations, first and foremost the staffing levels.

The government has decided that all Belgian hospitals must postpone plannable, non-urgent care for a period of four weeks by 26 October. It is important to explain exactly what this means for you as a patient, family member, and citizen.

First of all, do not decide to postpone care on your own initiative! This must still always be done in consultation with your attending physician. Your doctor will decide whether your surgery, treatment, or examination can be postponed and what alternatives are possible. You will always be called by your doctor’s secretary if the appointment is rescheduled to a later date. So don’t just assume that an operation or treatment will be cancelled. Furthermore, urgent/necessary interventions, nonsurgical day hospitalisations, consultations with our physicians, necessary rehabilitation and outpatient activity will continue after 26 October. Urgent admissions, admissions for cancer treatment, dialysis, and other important and necessary treatments will continue. Do not postpone this care; it is vital!

Know that our hospital is and remains a completely safe environment for all our patients. COVID-19 patients and non-COVID-19 patients are treated via completely separate routes. Our accidents and emergency department is fully organised as well, so please do not hesitate to come to the A&E with (potentially) serious complaints such as chest pain, loss of consciousness, fractures, and so on.

We realise that these are difficult times for everyone. Know that we at the Jan Yperman Hospital do everything we can – together with all the doctors, nurses, and staff – to continue to care for you and your loved ones.

The following message is so important that we must repeat it: don’t delay urgent care; our hospital is perfectly safe for every patient. Please make sure that your parents, relatives, friends, neighbours, and acquaintances do not neglect the care they need out of anxiety. We are and will stay ready!

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