
Outpatient Alcohol Treatment Programme Ypres

The Outpatient Alcohol Treatment Programme Ypres (ABA) offers a specialised group therapeutic treatment for persons with problematic alcohol use. Together with the team, you will work to achieve a sober and happy lifestyle on the basis of a training programme of seven half-days.

In the case of problematic alcohol consumption or when you are addicted, it is often very difficult to solve your problem alone. Talk it over with a confidant and definitely consider getting professional support. There are many different forms of help available. Zorgpad alcohol can help you choose the most appropriate support. They can also give you addresses where you can go.


You drink alcohol regularly and you wonder if you are drinking too much and if it might be harmful to your health. With the self-test you can find out how risky your drinking is. After completing the test, you will receive a score. A score of twelve or higher can be an indication to enter the ABA programme. Completion of this questionnaire is completely anonymous and the results are not stored. Only you can, if you wish, obtain a printout of your results at the end of the questionnaire.

First read the corresponding interpretation of the test.

Contact details

You can either register for ABA by referral from your general practitioner or on your own initiative.

For all appointments or information, please contact the ABA coordinator Ilse Hostyn (057 23 91 35). You can also fill in your email address and phone number on our contact form. We will contact you to schedule an appointment.

Last modified on 5 July 2022


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