
Coloscopy/ileoscopy (large intestine examination)

A colonoscopy is an examination of the large intestine.

This examination can detect abnormalities in the colon or large intestine. A flexible tube connected to a camera (endoscope) is inserted via the anus through the large intestine to the transition to the small intestine. If necessary, the last section of the small intestine is also checked.

The inside of the intestine is checked for growths, inflammations, polyps and other possible abnormalities during this examination. Small pieces of tissue are taken for microscopic examination (biopsies) if necessary. Polyps can also be removed during the same examination.

A colonoscopy is only possible after thorough preparation of the bowel, and usually requires admission to the day hospital. The examination takes place under sedation or short general anaesthesia.

Please contact your treating doctor for more information.

Information brochure for colonoscopy under deep sedation

Colonoscopy under deep sedation - Internal Medicine Association - Dr. M. Gallant, Dr. K. Thorrez, Dr. K. Vlaemynck

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Information brochure for colonoscopy under moderate sedation

Coloscopy under moderate sedation - Internal Medicine Association - Dr M. Gallant, Dr K. Thorrez, Dr K. Vlaemynck

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Information brochure for colonoscopy under deep sedation

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Information brochure for colonoscopy under moderate sedation

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Last modified on 26 June 2024


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