
Gluten intolerance in children (coeliac disease)

Coeliac disease is a disease in which the small intestine is affected by the intake of gluten (this is a protein component in wheat, rye, barley, among others). This greatly hinders the absorption of essential nutrient elements.

Typical symptoms of this condition include persistent diarrhoea (lasting > 3 weeks), weight loss, general fatigue and lethargy, iron deficiency, osteoporosis and anaemia. The most typical feature of this disease, however, is the often atypical presentation of symptoms, making the diagnosis easy to miss.

The disease can be deduced from a targeted blood sample (search for specific antibodies); this deduction must always be followed by final validation through a gastroscopy, where small pieces of tissue are taken. The clear damage to the intestinal wall can be seen under the microscope.


Coeliac disease is treated with a lifelong gluten-free diet.

Last modified on 6 July 2022


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