
Irregular/absent menstruation

Irregular menstruation refers to a menstrual cycle where it is no longer clear when it starts or ends.

The normal female cycle

A normal menstrual cycle can be split up intofour phases: the follicular phase, ovulation, the luteal phase and menstruation.

During a woman’s fertile period, one follicle matures every month. When the follicle is sufficiently mature, it bursts and the egg is released. This egg is picked up by the fallopian tube and can be fertilised by a sperm cell.

In the meantime, the endometrium builds up and prepares itself to catch any fertilised egg and let it implant there. If fertilisation does not occur, the egg disintegrates and the endometrium breaks down under the influence of hormonal changes. The breaking down of the endometrium is called ‘menstruation’.

The female cycle lasts an average of 28 days and is the period from the first day of menstruation to the first day of the next period.

Irregular menstruation


Irregular menstruation is easy to recognise. You can no longer determine when the menstruation starts and ends.

If you have irregular menstrual periods, more often in a given month you will lose a small amount of blood (spotting) for one or two days. You may also suddenly lose a lot of blood in a short period of time.


The cause of irregular menstruation is often not found. Hormone fluctuations are likely to cause irregular menstrual periods. The female hormones progesterone and oestrogen are then released irregularly.

The doctor will investigate the possible causes.

Diagnosis of irregular menstruation

To determine whether you suffer from irregular menstrual periods, you can keep a menstrual calendar for a period of time. With a menstrual calendar, you can keep track of how often you lose blood in a month and at what times. For example, often after sex or during a period of stress. You can also keep track of how severe the bleeding was.

Absent menstruation

Sometimes, menstrual periods suddenly disappear temporarily. A missed period can have several causes, not just pregnancy, so there is no immediate cause for concern.


The doctor will investigate the possible causes. Your treating doctor will discuss the treatment options, depending on the cause.

Last modified on 7 July 2022


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