
Radiography of the bladder

What is the examination?

The radiologist takes X-rays of your bladder. The bladder is filled with contrast agent so that it is clearly visible on the images.

If you think you may be pregnant, please mention this when registering and make sure you inform the nurse. As a precaution, radiation exposure will be kept to a minimum, the examination will be postponed or replacement examinations will be proposed.

Examination process

The nurses will ask you to empty your bladder. An overview picture of the abdomen will be taken. A contrast agent is administered through a probe in the urethra. The dye ensures the bladder is clearly visible on the X-ray images. Pictures are then taken at set times.

The examination lasts approximately 20 minutes.


The specialist at the hospital will receive the result. You can go back to him/her after the examination.

If your GP or a specialist outside the Jan Yperman Hospital requested the examination, you will receive a letter with a personal PIN code and instructions.

Please contact your treating doctor for more information.

Last modified on 4 July 2022


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