
Accidentally detected adrenal mass - adrenal incidentaloma

Door het frequent verrichten van echografie, CT of NMR, wordt vaak toevallig een massa ter hoogte van de bijnier vastgesteld. Zo’n toevallig aangetroffen massa in de bijnier, noemen we een bijnierincidentaloom. Bij het vinden van een bijnierincidentaloom dient kwaadaardigheid te worden uitgesloten. Er moet ook steeds worden nagegaan of deze massa al dan niet hormonen produceert.

By frequently performing ultrasound, CT or NMR scans, a mass at the level of the adrenal gland is often incidentally detected. Such an incidentally discovered mass in the adrenal gland is referred to as an adrenal incidentaloma. When an adrenal incidentaloma is found, malignancy should be ruled out. It should also always be checked whether or not this mass produces hormones.

Discuss this with your GP. Bring the results of any blood samples/urine tests with you to the endocrinology consultation. You are not required to fast. An additional blood test, urine tests and/or other tests may also be performed, e.g. CT adrenal glands without contrast agent, NMR adrenal glands, etc. After the diagnosis, we will determine the further policy together with you. Treatment often consists of a wait-and-see approach with monitoring of this mass. If necessary, surgical removal of this mass will be proposed.


Your doctor will discuss the treatment options with you.

Last modified on 6 July 2022


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