Infografiek Endo Crino 20 03

The Endocrinology-Diabetology department addresses people with diabetes mellitus, thyroid disorders and overweight/obesity, among others. Dr. An Nollet and Dr. Barbara Deconinck work there in a multidisciplinary team with nurses, dieticians, a psychologist and administrative staff.

The team

What does Endocrinology-Diabetology comprise?

  • Diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of diabetes mellitus, gestational diabetes and dyslipidaemia.
  • People with diabetes and foot problems can be helped at the multidisciplinary diabetic foot clinic.
Diabetische voetkliniek 1

Multidisciplinary foot clinic

Diabetic foot clinic
  • For eating disorders, obesity problems and nutritional advice, we refer you to our multidisciplinary eating disorders and obesity clinic.
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Eating disorders and obesity clinic

Eating disorders and obesity clinic
  • We also diagnose and treat diseases of other hormone-secreting glands such as the thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal and pituitary glands.
  • We also provide advice on osteoporosis in case of underlying endocrinology problems.
Indeukingsfractuur D12 botvenster f1586263308

Osteoporosis Clinic

Osteoporosis Clinic
  • And there are specific andrology consultations.



Last modified on 7 October 2024

What are the services we provide?

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