Eating disorders should preferably be approached in a multidisciplinary manner. This approach most often leads to effective treatment with a lasting effect. Therefore, in 2002, a multidisciplinary eating disorder and obesity clinic was set up at the JYZ. Children and teenagers are referred to Dr. Boens, paediatrician with expertise in paediatric obesity.
The eating disorders and obesity clinic treats conditions such as anorexia nervosa, binge eating disorder, bulimia, overweight and obesity.
On 1/5/2023, we received accreditation as a European Centre for Obesity (EASO Collaborating Centre for Obesity Management).
During a consultation, patients are seen successively by the endocrinologist, dietician, psychologist and, if necessary, the abdominal surgeon. Afterwards, the best treatment for your situation will be decided by mutual agreement. In the case of eating disorders, the further management is discussed with our psychologist. If you are overweight or obese, your case will be discussed by our multidisciplinary panel. Our advice will be in line with the applicable guidelines of the BASO (Belgian Association for the Study of Obesity) and the IFSO (International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity). Of course, we also take into account the patient's expectations.
If the BMI remains around or above 40 kg/m² or above 35 kg/m² in combination with important obesity-related complications (such as diabetes mellitus type 2, sleep apnoea syndrome or difficult-to-treat blood pressure despite taking 3 antihypertensive medications), we will discuss the surgical option with you.
The Surgery department at the Jan Yperman Hospital (with Dr. Dedrye and Dr. Fierens as bariatric surgeons) have in-depth knowledge and experience in this matter. Taking into account the current scientific data, gastric bypass is currently the most frequently recommended option. This procedure is relatively safe (e.g. little subjective discomfort, low risk of late onset of serious vitamin and other nutritional deficiencies) and also efficient.
Even after the operation, the suggested dietary recommendations should be followed correctly and you should exercise sufficiently every day. These efforts are necessary to maintain your healthy weight in the long term!
The Physical Medicine department offers an exercise programme for obesity. If you take part in this programme, you have to exercise twice a week to successfully lose weight or to maintain your weight loss. Prior to bariatric surgery, we also insist on participating in this physical programme.
In most cases, you will only be seen once for a consultation. Further follow-up will take place according to the chosen treatment and in cooperation with your GP.
Psychologist Sybille Vuchelen
Dietician Sophie Delputte