The dieticians give nutritional advice to people of all ages and for different health problems (weight problems, lipid disorders, digestive problems, allergies and food intolerances).

What do dieticians do?

Based on your current eating pattern, eating behaviour and activity level, an individual nutrition or diet plan is drawn up, taking into account individual requirements (energy restriction, cholesterol control, salt restriction, allergies or intolerances, etc.).

The advice aims to teach you a healthy lifestyle that you can maintain for a lifetime. Of course, your family situation and personal likes and dislikes are taken into account. In addition, we put you on the road with healthy cooking tips and a recipe book, as well as tips for a more active lifestyle. Concrete advice and practical tips during follow-up consultations help you to maintain the changed diet and lifestyle.

On admission

Hospitalised patients

Today, it is impossible to imagine a hospital without a dietician. They monitor the nutritional status of the hospitalised patients and make adjustments where necessary. There is close cooperation with the other disciplines in the hospital. The doctor, speech therapist, nurses and occupational therapists help the patient to achieve or maintain the best possible nutritional condition.

When the patient is allowed to return home, dietary advice is provided if necessary. When the patient goes to a facility, that facility is informed of the diet the patient was receiving here, what consistency is needed and whether any aids should be provided.


We want to make an overweight child fit again in a healthy way. They can contact the Samen Slim (Slim Together) team. Children with other nutrition-related problems can also come to see us.

Oncology patients

Oncology patients can call on an oncology dietician both during a hospital admission or stay at the internal day hospital.

You can contact them for advice in relation to unwanted weight loss or weight gain, but also for advice in relation to nutritional problems resulting from the therapy or the disease process.

A good nutritional status can play a supportive role during the therapy. However, the nutritional advice to maintain or obtain a good nutritional status can vary greatly from person to person.

A healthy and varied diet is generally recommended. This is so before, during and after therapy. However, it may be appropriate to deviate from this.

Cardiology patients

We inform cardiology patients about cardiovascular-friendly nutrition. When a patient comes to cardiac rehabilitation, this patient is also followed up by a dietician.


Outpatients can also come to the hospital for nutritional advice. You can consult a dietician at the Jan Yperman Hospital either on your own initiative or after referral from a doctor.

This is possible by appointment from Monday to Friday in Ypres and Poperinge. We are ready to give you advice about healthy and balanced nutrition.

Consultation appointment

A consultation appointment can be made using the details below.

You pay depending on the duration of the consultation, we charge €40 per hour. Depending on a number of conditions, you may be eligible for a refund from the health insurance fund. Contact your Health Insurance Fund to check this out.

VW2 A1859


Last modified on 22 January 2024

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