The board of directors (or governing body) meets monthly and fulfils the role of 'manager', according to hospital legislation. The board of directors bears the final responsibility for the activities of the hospital and, to this end, it has all the management powers that are not assigned by law or by the articles of association to the general meeting.
Prof. Dr. K. Vandewoude, president
Ms. E. Talpe, vicepresident
Mr. M. Muylle, secretary
Dhr. L. Danneels
Dhr. L. Delvoye
Mr. G. Dumolein
Dhr. J. Durnez
Dr. F. Lefevere
Dhr. B. Man
Ms. E. Ryde
Not. J. Vandenweghe
Prof. Dr. P. Verdonck
Dhr. D. Wyffels
Prof. Dr. I. Fourneau, advisory representative UZ Leuven