Visitor service

Free Wi-Fi

You can use the Wi-Fi network free of charge when you visit or are admitted to the hospital. You can easily log into the network jyz_guest by clicking the pop-up page and logging in.

Wheelchairs available

Wheelchairs are available in the entrance hall next to the kiosks. You need a €1 coin or a token to use them. Please return the wheelchair to the designated place next to the kiosks after use. On weekdays, a volunteer is available to help you from 8.30 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 1 p.m. to 16.30 p.m.

Vending machines for drinks and snacks

The vending machines at the hospital work with cash. If you do not have any cash on you, you can use the change machine (next to the parking pay machine).

Dropping off items outside visiting hours

Outside visiting hours, you can always drop off items for a patient at the reception desk. A volunteer will deliver it to the patient's ward.

Last modified on 27 October 2022

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