
CT coronarography (coronary arteries)

Imaging the coronary arteries (blood vessels supplying the heart muscle) to detect narrowing and calcification of the coronary arteries and to check the function of the heart.

Preparing for the examination

  • We ask you not to drink any caffeinated drinks such as coffee and cola for 24 hours prior to the examination.
  • No eating or drinking is allowed for 4 hours before the examination.
  • Medicines may be taken as normal, however.

Examination process

Your heart rate is measured. The nurse will insert a hypodermic needle in your arm to administer the contrast agent.

Get into position on the examination table which will slide into the scanner. It is very important that you lie still during the examination. The nurse will connect you to the monitor. The contrast agent may give you a brief warm sensation. You will be asked to hold your breath for a short while during the examination.

The examination lasts approximately 20 minutes in total.


Your treating doctor will receive the results after a couple of days.

Please contact your treating doctor for more information.

Last modified on 4 July 2022


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