
Arteriosclerosis/narrowing of the coronary arteries (Coronary atherosclerosis)

Arteriosclerosis occurs when the coronary arteries become clogged.

The heart ensures that blood flows continuously through our body. It ensures that all substances are supplied and transported to the organs in the body or that they are removed from the body.

The heart muscle, like all muscles in the body, needs oxygen, which it receives from the coronary arteries. These run on the heart's surface and bring oxygen and nutrients to the heart muscle. As long as these arteries have a nice smooth wall inside, everything will run normally and the heart will receive sufficient blood and oxygen in this way.

Problems arise when these coronary arteries become clogged (arteriosclerosis). Damage occurs and clumps of platelets, cholesterol and calcium can build up in these places (plaque). In this way, the heart receives less blood and therefore less oxygen than it needs at a given time.

You feel it as fatigue during exertion and chest pain (angina pectoris) which can lead to a heart attack. A portion of the heart muscle dies.


Your doctor will discuss the treatment options with you.

For more information about this condition and about the treatment options, please contact your treating doctor.

Last modified on 7 July 2022


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