Infection prevention

Within patient safety, hospital hygiene has an important task of preventing healthcare-associated infections. Healthcare-associated infections are infections that the patient acquires during or following a stay in hospital.

In order to minimise the risk of healthcare-associated infections, the following measures, among others, are being taken:

  1. Avoiding transmission of germs
    1. By good standard hygiene, e.g. correct hand hygiene
    2. Screening of patients for germs that are highly contagious (e.g. coronavirus) or resistant to antibiotics (e.g. MRSA, CPE)
    3. Additional measures for patients infected with these germs, including isolation policy
  2. Avoiding infections from invasive procedures by applying scientific guidelines in the best possible way
    1. Urinary tract infection with bladder catheter
    2. Pneumonia with intubation
    3. Wound infection after an operation
    4. Bloodstream infection with infusion

Useful links

Contact details

  • Nursing Hospital Hygienist Jolien Lebleu
  • Staff Member Hospital Hygiene Naomi D'Hondt
  • Pharmacist Biologist Stijn Jonckheere


Last modified on 11 July 2023

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