Patient experience and participation

The Jan Yperman Hospital wants to sharpen the focus on patient experience, participation and patient-oriented care.

Since 2021, a Patient Experience Officer has been appointed, as it were a patient experience service. In close collaboration with the quality service, a process (We, Gastvrij) is gradually being rolled out within the hospital based on awareness-raising, coaching and patient empowerment. A hospitable and warm care is central because you never make a first impression a second time.

"Wij, gastvrij"

The Jan Yperman Hospital took part in a pilot project led by KU Leuven and Kom op tegen Kanker, with the aim of embedding a mango culture in the organization. Mango moments stand for a random act of kindness to a patient, but a patient can also (unconsciously) offer a mango moment to a healthcare provider. It is precisely this interaction that we find so important. In a hospital it is of course about the patient, but in the interaction between patient and care provider lies the soul of the care or as Dirk De Wachter puts it in the book 'Mangomoment': "it takes two to mango".

Jan Yperman Hospital is a member of the Patient Empowerment non-profit association.

Patient Council

We want to give the patient a voice, but also support the care provider in this. We currently do not have a patient council. We certainly hope to implement this in the further roll-out of the 'We, Hospitable' process. Are you someone who regularly comes to the hospital for yourself or as a caregiver? Can you transcend your personal experience and constructively translate these experiences into our policies? If you feel called to join our patient council in the future, send us your motivation letter to

Patient experience

The JYZ participates in the Flemish Indicators Project for Patients and Professionals (the VIP² project), an initiative initiated by the Flemish Government, the Flemish Association of Chief Physicians and the hospital umbrella organizations Zorgnet and Icuro.Indicators were developed for this project, including patient satisfaction.

Indicators, for example on patient satisfaction, were developed for this project.

Jan Yperman Hospital actively participates in this project. The indicators and results for JYZ are published on the zorgkwaliteit website.

Patient experience and patient satisfaction are surveyed and investigated in multiple ways and levels within JYZ:

Surveys of the Flemish Government

To map our patient experiences, we participate in the Flemish Patient Survey (VPP).

Developed by the Flemish Government and the Flemish Patients Platform, these questionnaires gauge various elements that are important for both in-hospital and outpatient admissions. Because this benchmarking allows us to compare our hospital with many other Flemish hospitals, we know every year what our own strengths and areas for improvement are. These and other quality indicators can be viewed here.

Surveys by department

We also identify needs, concerns, and experiences through questionnaires drawn up in-house for each department, to which we link improvement points for each department.

Patient panels

Once or twice a year, patient volunteers share their experiences in a patient panel. We discuss a wide range of topics, to which we then link concrete patient experiences. The aim of these patient panels is to listen to patients’ experiences and set up targeted improvement projects.

Ombudsman service

When experiences culminate in complaints, patients can share their experiences with the ombuds service, which draws up a personalised plan of action for each report.

Contact us?

Patient Experience Officer

Ann-Sophie Depuydt
057 35 65 26

Last modified on 25 June 2024

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