
Lung cancer (respiratory oncology)

Lung cancer is the second leading cause of death in men in Belgium. In women, it is the second most common cancer after breast cancer. Lung cancer is a serious disease as patients often do not develop symptoms for a long time. The diagnosis is therefore often made at a later stage.

If you are diagnosed with lung abnormalities, we recommend that you contact our lung specialists via your GP. A consultation will be scheduled as soon as possible. Your lung specialist will propose the necessary tests to arrive at a correct diagnosis. Once the diagnosis of lung cancer has been made (or is likely), your file will be discussed within a multidisciplinary team.

Malignant lung diseases

See our brochure here

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LOTUS (L[u]ng Tumo[u]r Support Team)

The Lotus Team (L(U)ngTUmorSupportteam) is a multidisciplinary team that maps out a care pathway for people with malignant lung disease.

Last modified on 6 July 2022



Your treating doctor will discuss the treatment options with you.


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