Having a baby is not only a happy event, but also a profound one. As a mother, do you need extra care, or is nutrition not really working? What are the administrative steps to take after the birth? We will be glad to help.
Emotions, new feelings and thoughts... Lots of things are going through your mind after the birth of your child. However, don’t forget to register the birth of your child.
The birth of your child must be registered within 15 days, either in the entrance hall of the Jan Yperman Hospital in the conversation room next to the reception desk (on Tuesday and Friday mornings) or at the Civil Registry Office of the City of Ypres.
These 15 days include Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. The day of the birth itself is not counted in those 15 days. If the 15th day is a Saturday, a Sunday or a public holiday, the period is extended to the next working day.
And the timely declaration of your child is very important. The declaration is necessary for receiving child benefit.
1. Conversation room JYZ
Only on Tuesday and Friday mornings
Between 10:00 and 12:00
Click here to make your appointment.
2. Ypres Registry Office
AC Auris
Ter Waarde 1, 8900 Ieper
057 23 92 12
Click here to consult the opening hours.
By whom?
The declaration is made by the father, the mother, or both parents together. No witnesses are needed.
What do you need?
What documents do you receive at the time of registration?
The church prefers that children are baptised at their parish. If you are interested, but do not know how, please contact the Pastoral Service (057 35 66 44 or via email). They will help you make the necessary contacts.
Those who wish can also have their child baptised while being admitted to hospital. It is best to let the head nurse know as soon as possible after the birth so that she can make the necessary arrangements with the Pastoral Service. If you would like coffee and cake in the bistro after the ceremony, it is best to reserve this in advance (maximum of 20 people, payable on site).
After giving birth in hospital or at home.
During the maternity stay, 2 home visits are immediately scheduled following your discharge from the maternity ward. In case of a vaginal birth, a midwife will visit on day 4 and day 5. In the case of a caesarean section, a midwife will visit on day 5 and day 7 to remove the stitches. At the second home visit, you can indicate whether you want any further follow-up. You are entitled to 6 home visits, spread over the first 6 weeks after birth. After that, Kind & Gezin or an independent midwife takes over.
The NIHDI provides full reimbursement for postnatal care at home. You do not have to pay anything to the midwife. You do not need a doctor's prescription, but you do need 2 stickers from the health insurance fund.
You can contact the home care midwife for more information and to make an appointment: 057 35 60 68.
If you want domestic help, the social service of our hospital can provide a solution. Ask the person in charge at the maternity ward for information about this.
During your stay, a physiotherapist will visit you for the first exercises. These are mainly pelvic floor and abdominal exercises. In addition, circulation exercises are given for the feet and legs. Further postnatal exercises are prescribed by the gynaecologist.
After this period, the heavier abdominal exercises can be started. Postnatal classes are held by appointment.
For more info:
Physiotherapist: 057 35 73 86 (only in the morning)
Water familiarisation has many advantages:
Practical details
The lessons can be started from the age of 2 months. The water temperature is 32° C, swimming is limited from 15 to a maximum of 30 minutes (depending on age).
Swimwear is compulsory for hygienic reasons. The price is €40 per 5 lessons (insurance included). We use the principle of a 5-session card.
The lessons take place at the Jan Yperman Hospital, Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 13:00 to 14:00. The groups are limited to a maximum of 6 babies, but mum is welcome to bring along dad, godmother, godfather, grandmother, etc.
Physiotherapist: 057 35 73 94 (only in the morning)