Many patients are confronted with pain during their stay in hospital. It is important to have a good pain policy. After all, good pain treatment helps you recover better, reduces the risk of complications and can shorten the hospital stay.

Not everyone reacts the same way to pain, even if the cause is the same. You are the only one who can describe your pain. To get pain relief, you can talk about it. Only you can inform us of the severity and nature of your pain.

The Pain Management service involves, on the one hand, a bedside consultation and, on the other hand, an educational and awareness-raising approach to ‘chronic pain’ for both caregivers and patients. The task of the psychologists is to detect ‘yellow flags’ (risk factors for the development of chronicity in subacute and chronic pain). We want to prevent acute pain from becoming chronic pain.

Paramedic team:

De Pauw Julie

Julie De Pauw - Pain nurse

Elke Breye1984

Elke Breye - Psychologist

VW2 A1167

Ruth Loosvelt - Psychologist

Last modified on 14 May 2024

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