
Gestational diabetes

Bij zwangerschapsdiabetes heeft de moeder een hogere kans op het ontwikkelen van pre-eclampsie (zwangerschapsvergiftiging) en is er een hogere kans op noodzaak van een sectio (keizersnede). Ook voor het kind is er een hogere kans op een hoog geboortegewicht, het oplopen van een schouderletsel of ander geboortetrauma en te lage suikerwaarden na de bevalling. De moeder heeft een hogere kans om bij een volgende zwangerschap opnieuw diabetes te ontwikkelen of/en op een latere leeftijd diabetes mellitus type 2. Ook de baby heeft een hogere kans op het ontwikkelen van suikerziekte en het ontwikkelen van overgewicht vanaf de adolescentie.

Gestational diabetes

Consequences of gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes has consequences for both mother and baby.

  • For the mother: Increased risk of preeclampsia, caesarean section, preeclampsia in subsequent pregnancies, development of type 2 diabetes mellitus later in life.
  • For the baby: Increased risk of high birth weight, shoulder injury or other birth trauma and low sugar levels after delivery, developing diabetes and developing obesity from adolescence.

How common is gestational diabetes?

The incidence of diabetes or Diabetes Mellitus during pregnancy has increased sharply in recent years (among other things due to the increasing body weight and the older age of the pregnant women). In our region, this frequency is almost 20%.

Since almost 2% of pregnant women already have diabetes mellitus at the first gynecological examination, you will be asked (once you are pregnant) to visit your doctor for a fasting blood test. If this sugar level is normal, a sugar test will be scheduled around the 24-28th week of pregnancy. You will have to take sugar in the lab in the form of a drink. Three blood samples are also taken (just before, 1 hour after and 2 hours after taking the drink) with determination of the blood glucose level.

If your sugar level(s) is/are elevated, you will be referred to the diabetes department (including an explanation about gestational diabetes, operating a glucose meter, performing glucose self-monitoring, nutritional advice, etc.). In February 2020, this service started with group sessions. The explanation is given to groups of 4 to 6 people.

Can gestational diabetes be prevented?

The risk of this can be reduced by pursuing a healthy weight before pregnancy. For overweight women who wish to become pregnant, there have been group sessions on nutrition and lifestyle since February 2020.


Your doctor will discuss the treatment options with you.

New since February 2020: group sessions on nutrition and lifestyle

  • When? On Thursday afternoon
  • Where? Jan Yperman Hospital
  • Target public? Pregnant women with gestational diabetes, overweight women trying to conceive.
  • Do you want to participate? Contact the Endocrinology-Diabetology secretariat: +32(0)57 35 72 70.
  • By whom? Diabetes team at Jan Yperman Hospital in collaboration with the JYZ Gynecology and Obstetrics Department.
Woman pregnant in black and white striped shirt standing 952597 1

Last modified on 6 July 2022


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