Who to address when as a supplier of the Jan Yperman Hospital?
Deliveries should be made to the central warehouse. To do so, take the entrance to the emergency department (urgenties) at Pilkemseweg 84 in 8900 Ypres and follow the signs with 'leveringen'.
Deliveries can be made on working days, at the following times:
You must include the purchase order number on each shipping bill and invoice. Each delivery must contain a dispatch note and one invoice must be made out per order form.
The easiest and fastest way is to send your invoices digitally to the accounting department. These mails are processed automatically: please always attach your invoice in PDF format. One pdf per invoice! You can also offer your e-invoices via the OpenPEPPOL platform.
Invoices should be made out to:
vzw Jan Yperman Ziekenhuis
Attn: accounting department
Briekestraat 12
8900 Ypres
VAT number: BE 0462 915 078
Our patient's care is central. That includes ensuring that everyone handles our patients' data and our systems correctly and securely, employees and suppliers alike!
The ‘Supplier Code of Conduct: Information security & data protection’ defines the JYZ's expectations of all suppliers and their subcontractors
Consult the full version of the ‘Supplier Code of Conduct: Information security & data protection’ here (in Dutch). The code of conduct is made up of two major parts:
What do we expect during the buying process?
The first part describes what information and documents a supplier must provide - if any - along with the quotation. These include the MDS2 form for medical devices, processor agreement if personal data is processed (GDPR), cloud applications, employee confidentiality statements, etc.
What do we expect during the service?
The second part describes the practical guidelines suppliers should adhere to. This ranges from site visits in the hospital, the use of systems or access to the EPD for external staff to providing online support via VPN, etc.
UPDATED: Suppliers who enter the hospital as part of a service and have to enter the non-public areas - unaccompanied by an employee of Jan Yperman Hospital - must always sign in and out at the provided kiosk or badge reader at the technical department or reception (see page 7 of the code of conduct). If you do not sign in, we assume no attendance and consequently we do not pay an invoice for these hours performed.
Download the EPD confidentiality statement here.
Download the processing agreement here.
To be eligible to provide software applications, each supplier must consider the hospital's technical requirements. Consult the technical requirements prepared by the ICT department here.
Consult the general safety regulations for third parties at the JYZ here.
Download a blank work permit here.
Jan Yperman Hospital considers it important that suppliers and professional partners can adequately and safely report any suspicions of wrongdoing the hospital. These are alleged irregularities of a general, operational or financial nature detected during work at our hospital. Click here for more information (in Dutch).